Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Warning: Female Related

So I don't know how appropriate it is to talk about menstrual cycles but I wanted to spend some time talking about how one will effect my Crohns. I never knew before that the reason my period was so horrible was because my Crohns symptoms were intensified. Now there aren't concrete facts that there is a connection with the Menstrual Cycle and an increase in Crohns symptoms but many women do experience it. Even now that I am on a special diet that has given me a lot of relief from pain I do notice that the 4-6 days that my period lasts are the worse 4-6 days of the month. Probably more so than the average women. We all hate periods. They are unpleasant on more than one level. I usually skip the gym that week as for me I find that more activity causes worse pain and cramping. I wear leggings mostly around the house and I am in a very very bad mood most the time. Robert can attest to that.

I use to think that I had some kind of menstrual disorder. I would have the worst cramps that would cause me to leave work early and retreat to my bed with a heating pad and a sleeping pill to get through. I would have the worst bloating to where I for sure knew that I had gained 10 pounds. I would have a very high increase in diarrhea. Most my friends would say "Oh I hardly ever have cramps or I don't have them at all. My period lasts like 3 days if that." I'm thinking to my self "What the heck is wrong with me?! I thought "Wow I probably have the worst period in the world." I even had friends and co workers suggest that I see an OBGYN about Endometriosis. I considered going to the doctor to at least get a prescription for pain medication for my cramping so that I could get through my work day!

After my Crohns was discovered I still hadn't connected the dots. Not until I started doing more research into Crohns and searching forums about other people and their experiences. I got curious about what other women experienced. I started searching the web. I went to google and simply typed in Crohns and periods. I came across all these sites with women talking about their symptoms being intensified during their period and some had full on Flare-ups during their period too. I even found pieces written about the topic. There was one that described that a certain hormone released during menstruation may have an effect on digestive diseases like IBS and IBD. I myself would like to see more research on this.  It would be nice if there was something to alleviate some symptoms. I currently can't take anything over the counter for pain so my situation is a little harder than most.

Like Crohns itself it would be nice to have some answers. I live in a world of I don't knows. I don't know why I have Crohns and I don't know why it makes my period 10 times worse.

Hopefully I will get through with my heating pad and a comfy place to lay down.

Until next time!

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